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We raise the best quality, most nutritious, 
ethically raised food!

From Our Farm to Your Plate

Why we choose to homestead...

We are a small family homestead in Reily Township, Ohio. We have always been interested in maximizing our health but in recent years have become disenchanted with the food system and "healthcare" system.  We made it our mission to raise or grow 90% of our food with regenerative agriculture principles to maximize health through nutrition and better our environment through land stewardship. Our formula for vibrant health and a flourishing planet is simple...Healthy soil leads to healthy plants, which feed healthy animals and ultimately healthy humans.  

To see the full inventory of items for sale, go to the Order Online section of the website.  

Featured items

Summer update.jpg

So much going on at the farm this spring!  We have had babies everywhere!  3 calves were born, a total of 15 piglets, we've gotten 100 new meat chickens (so far, more to come) and ducks!  We also added a dairy cow!  Hopefully in the next year or so we will be offering herd shares as well as other dairy products!  We have added pork items to our inventory and have restocked our chicken supply!  Check out our new items and order yours soon!

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